Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Asking Questions in English

Asking Questions in English Learning how to ask questions is essential in any language. In English, the most common questions  are known as wh words because they begin with those two letters: where, when, why, what, and who. They can function as adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, or other parts of speech, and are used  ask for specific information.   Who Use this word  to ask questions about people. In this example, who serves as a direct object. Who do you like? Who has he decided to hire for the job? In other instances, who serves as the subject. In this case, the sentence structure is similar to that of positive sentences. Who studies Russian? Who would like to take a vacation? In formal  English,   the word whom will replace who as the direct object of a preposition. To whom should I address this letter? For whom is this present? What Use  this word to ask about things or actions in object questions. What does he do  at  weekends? What do you like to eat for dessert? By adding the word like to the sentence, you can ask for physical descriptions about people, things, and places. What type of car do you like? What is Mary like? When Use this word to ask questions about time-related events, specific or general. When do you like going out? When does the bus leave? Where This word is used to ask about location. Where do you live? Where did you go on vacation? How This word can be combined with  adjectives to ask questions about specific characteristics, qualities  and  quantities.   How tall are you? How much does it cost? How many friends do you have? Which When paired with a noun, this word is used when choosing between a number of items. Which book did you buy? Which kind of apple do you prefer? Which type of computer takes this plug? Using Prepositions A number of wh questions can combine with prepositions, typically at the end of the question. Some of the most common combinations are: who ... forwho ... withwhere ... towhere ... fromwhat ... for ( why)what ... in Note how these word pairings are used in the following example. Who are you working for? Where are they going to? What did he buy that for? You can also use these pairings to ask follow-up questions as part of a larger conversation. Jennifer is writing a new article. Who for? Shes writing it for Jane magazine. Tips When more general  verbs  such as do and go are used, its common to use a more specific verb in the reply. Why did he do it? He wanted to get a raise. Questions with  why are often replied to using because as in the following example. Why are you working so hard? Because I need to finish this project soon. These questions are often replied to using the imperative (to do). In this case, the clause with because is understood to be included in the answer. Why are they coming next week? To make a presentation. (Because they are going to make a presentation.) Test Your Knowledge Now that youve had a chance to review, its time to challenge yourself with a quiz. Provide the missing question words. The answers follow this test. ____ is the weather like in July?____ much is the chocolate?____ boy won the race last week?____ did you get up this morning?____ team won the World Cup in 2002?____ does Janet live?____  long does the concert last?____ food do you like?____ does it take to get to New York from Albany?____ does the movie begin this evening?To  ____  do you report at work?____ is your favorite actor?____ house does he live in?____ is Jack like?____  does the building look like?____ does she study English with?____ do the people in your country go for vacation?____ do you play tennis?____ sports do you play?____ is your doctors appointment next week? Answers WhatHowWhichWhat time / WhenWhichWhereHowWhat kind of / What type ofHow longWhat time / whenWhom - formal English WhoWhichWhatWhatWhoWhereHow often / WhenWhich / How manyWhat time / When

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Introduction to Obsolete Words

An Introduction to Obsolete Words Obsolete word is a temporal label commonly used by lexicographers (that is, editors of dictionaries) to indicate that a word (or a particular form or sense of a word) is no longer in active use in speech and writing. In general, notes Peter Meltzer, the difference between an obsolete word and an archaic word is that, although both have fallen into disuse, an obsolete word has done so more recently (The Thinkers Thesaurus, 2010). The editors of The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2006) make this distinction: Archaic. [T]his label is attached to entry words and senses for which there is only sporadic evidence in print after 1755 . . ..Obsolete. [T]his label is attached to entry words and senses for which there is little or no printed evidence since 1755. In addition, as Knud Sà ¸rensen points out, it sometimes occurs that words which have become obsolete in Britain continue to be current in the United States (compare Amer. Engl. fall and Brit. Engl. autumn) (Languages in Contact and Contrast, 1991). Following are some examples of obsolete words: Illecebrous Illecebrous [ill-less-uh-brus] an obsolete word meaning attractive, alluring. From a Latin word meaning to entice.(Erin McKean, Totally Weird and Wonderful Words. Oxford University Press, 2006) Mawk The underlying meaning of mawkish is maggotish. It was derived from a now obsolete word mawk, which meant literally maggot but was used figuratively (like maggot itself) for a whim or fastidious fancy. Hence  mawkish originally meant nauseated, as if repelled by something one is too fastidious to eat. In the 18th century the notion of sickness or sickliness produced the present-day sense over-sentimental.(John Ayto, Word Origins, 2nd ed. A C Black, 2005) Muckrake Mudslinging and muckrakingtwo words commonly connected with the pursuit of an elected office and the flotsam the campaigns leave in their wake.Voters seem fairly familiar with the term used to describe malicious or scandalous attacks against opponents, but the latter m word may be new for some people. It is an obsolete word describing a tool used to rake muck or dung and used in reference to a character in John Bunyan’s classic Pilgrim’s Progress [1678]the Man with the Muck-rake who rejected salvation to focus on filth.(Vanessa Curry, Don’t Muck It Up, and We Won’t Rake It. The Daily Herald [Columbia, TN], April 3, 2014)| Slubberdegullion Slubberdegullion is n: a slobbering or dirty fellow, a worthless sloven, 1610s, from slubber to daub, smear, behave carelessly or negligently (1520s), probably from Dutch or Low German (cf. slobber (v)). Second element appears to be an attempt to imitate French; or perhaps it is French, related to Old French goalon a sloven. Century Dictionary speculates the -de- means insignificant or else is from hobbledehoy. Snoutfair Snoutfair is a person with a handsome countenance (literally, a fair snout). Its origins are from the 1500s. Lunting Lunting means to walk while smoking a pipe. Lunting  is also the emantion of smoke or steam from a tobacco pipe, or the flame used to light a fire, torch, or pipe, The word lunting originated in the 1500s from either the Dutch word lont  meaning a slow match or fuse or the Middle Low German lonte meaning a wick. With Squirrel With squirrel is a euphemism that means pregnant. It originated in the Ozark Mountains  in the early 20th century. Curglaff Curglaff is commonly felt by people in northern climes - it is the shock that one feels when first plunging into cold water. The word curglaff originated from Scotland in the 1800s. (Also spelled curgloff). Groak To groak (verb) is to watch someone longingly while they are eating, in the hope that they will give you some of their food. The origin is possibly Scottish.   Cockalorum Cockalorum is a little man who has an over-inflated opinion of himself and thinks himself more important than he is; also, boastful speech. The origin of cockalorum  may be from the from the obsolete Flemish word  kockeloeren of the 1700s,  meaning to crow.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study Analysis - Essay Example The movie industry is in a stage of transition. The transition has resulted in various developments in the sector. The technological advancements are offering entities in the film industry new channels of distributing movies. Therefore, the entities have to make the required changes to the distribution strategy to benefit from the changes that are sweeping the industry. This article analyzes the above scenario using three organizations operating in the sector. The entities include Blockbusters, Netflix and Redbox. The entities face distribution uncertainty owing to changes in the movie rental sector. The changes primarily pertain to clients’ distribution channel preference. Blockbuster is an organization, which has suffered terriby owing to changes in the distribution of their products (Chopra 4). Initially, Blockbuster earned majority of its income via store rental services. However, in years leading to 2010, its revenues were decreasing. Addressing such a major drop in incom e required drastic measures. The measures would entail the Blockbuster adopting other means of distributing movies. The dip in Blockbuster’s profitability emanated from industrial changes. Therefore, the movies sector posses a higher risk to the firms, which distribute products resulting from the industry. In the evaluation of industrial risks, firms in the film sector would have higher-level relative organizations in other sectors. The entity relied heavily on stores renting DVDs. However, the technological advancement allowed the clients to access films via other means without requiring purchase or renting of discs. This resulted in the dwindling of Blockbuster’s fortunes since they relied heavily on the two channels. Failure to adapt to the changes in customers’ preferences culminated in the dipping of the entity’s finances (Chopra 5). Recommendations Netflix has demonstrated in numerous dimensions what Blockbuster should undertake to revive its compet itiveness in the currents market. First, the entity should offer its clientele additional means of accessing movies. Netflix distributed movies through several methods, which included rental, mail, and digital downloads. Contrary, Blockbuster only offered two channels of distributing films. These methods were being overtaken by other cheaper and efficient methods, which were mail delivery and digital down loads. Blockbuster sought to position itself appositely owing to the changing customer preferences. Therefore, it undertook various measures, which included offering delivery of discs via post. Additionally, Blockbuster switched entirely to distributing movies in DVDs form which was cost efficient. The entity also offered online services by launching Blockbuster total access program. This enabled the clients to rent movie online or down load. Therefore, the entity was adhering to the changing customer preferences. In this industry, it is vital for the entities to analyze the mergin g trend since they seem to transform the industry rapidly. Failure to inculcate such trends in the product design would be detrimental. Netflix has advanced its online services. The clients have countless options. This made its online services more popular. Nonetheless, Blockbuster’s online program provided their clients with a much-reduced variety. Its searching system was inefficient. Owing to the changing industry coupled with dwindling finances, the entity had to change several things. The entity closed

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Myocardial infarction Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Myocardial infarction - Case Study Example The mice used in this experiment were reported to have larger and more severe atherosclerosis wounds after a stroke or myocardial infarction. These results were observed to be as a result of increased monocyte production that was triggered by the stroke that affected the spleen action. This understanding of factor affecting atherosclerosis and can be used in using better management techniques (Dutta et al 2012). This is because the kind of intervention used on atherosclerosis patients with ischemic complication can affect the long term outcome. Care should thus be taken with patients with such problems to avoid further complications I find this article to be important because you find that most patients suffering from atherosclerosis also suffers from myocardial infarction. The interaction of the two makes it hard to treat one or the other. Understanding how myocardial infarction affects other diseases is important in developing better treatment methods. For instance, people sufferin g from atherosclerosis should not be subjected to a treatment that increases the possibility of getting a stroke or myocardial infarction. It gives a deeper understanding how the myocardial infarction may affect the body so that precautions can be taken. Article two Guidelines for Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction The article looks into the various strategies that have been put forward on the treatment of myocardial infarction. It starts by analyzing all the symptoms associated with the disease and how they affect the body. The author then systematically explains all the treatment options and their implication on the body. This is putting in consideration that although there may many treatment strategies, their effectiveness is tagged on their ability to give the nest end results and reduce the risk of the patient getting other infections. The article puts all these risks in the clear so that doctors can be able to decide which treatment option best suits their patient condi tion. The author highlights early risk stratification and rapid diagnosis as major factors influencing the success of treatment of acute myocardial infarction. In order to understand the extent of the progression of the disease, different strategies are used and this look for biochemical, pathological, clinical and electrocardiographic (ECG) characteristics (Banerjee & Kumar 2011). These risks should be analyzed quantitatively to get a greater picture of the disease progression. I think this article is important because it not only describes the different treatment options but it also gives a detailed account of the risks associated with these treatment options. The physician can use this method to determine which treatment option suits a patient in context of other disorders that the patient may have. The information presented here can be used by doctors to have the needed information that would increase the chance of having better outcomes. Article Three Plasma HDL cholesterol and risk of myocardial infarction: a mendelian randomisation study The article is about a study that seeks to know whether a high level of plasma HDL cholesterol decreases the risk of getting myocardial infarction. The study seeks to identify whether the association of low risk to myocardial infection with low plasma HDL cholesterol is cause. It takes a mendelian approach where genes are assorted independently during meiosis and their causal effects is not affected by the disease progr

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History revision Essay Example for Free

History revision Essay History- What historians chose to interpret from the surviving evidence of the past Source + Historians = Histories All historians have their own views and interests due to their upbringing hence that the process of selection and interpretation distorts our ‘knowledge’ further. Issues in historiography Training of historians Objectivity in history Oral societies and history Problems of historical research Universal history Evidence- selection Source- How? Truth- Consensuses Context/ Perspectives Selection- Who decides? Interpretation Revision Ideology- Reputation, perspective, emerging ideas, lack of evidence Language and technique- To place emphasis and how historians chose to say Methodology- How the way you put the sources? (cross-examine, verification) Facts in history History from ‘above or below’ Motive Judgement- Whose? Audience Linguistics History and Ideology- Political beliefs influence Explicit vs. Implicit Something clearly or implied Form of literature- poems, speech â€Å"What are historical facts? † – Carl Becker 1. History is subjective- personal desires and prejudices (history changes along with society’s values) 2. History is interpreted differently between people (interpreting what in the past is though) 3. History cannot be re-enacted as a series of events 4. History is written on how much the Historian can extract from the evidence and his knowledge- background, audience, purpose, motive. 5. History is pre-occupied with ‘cold’ and ‘hard’ facts and not small detail (the obvious history) Case Study: Herodotus The historian Born at Halicarnassus (485 BC – 425 BC) Exiled due to conspiring against Persians Merchant and traveller Greek Historian Cannot be free form bias (critical judgement) Educated (upper class) Harnessed ill feelings towards Persian Motive and Purpose for Writing â€Å"These are the researches of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, which he publishes, in the hope of thereby preserving from decay the remembrance of what men have done, and of preventing the great and wonderful actions of the Greeks and the foreigners from losing their due need of glory; and to put on record what were their grounds of feud† To commemorate To preserve the memory of the past by putting on record the astonishing achievements both of his and other people and more particularly. To show how they come into conflict To record the â€Å"glory† of Greeks To record stories even where truth is impossible (fantasises, legends) Inspired by Home and Hecateus Methodology and Technique Witness accounts Values Reports Sources Interests Viewpoints Evidence Books Entertainment Evidence Observations The Mind Enquiries Language and Style (words and phrases chosen, speeches, audience) Future Generations People’s viewpoint/ interpretation Memories Opinions Rumours Claims Honour Home and Hecateus Orally- entertaining Conflicting accounts Type of History Anthropology- study of mankind Ethnology Traditions, cultures and religious stories- oracles, wonders, marvels, dreams, myths, omens, sacrifices, prophecies, fables Societies- common practices Orators, politicians, demagogues, battles and warriors Polyphonic Constructed and recorded Books- customs, legends, history and tradition (The Histories) War between Persia and Greece Social and literary narrative Similar work style from predecessors (Homer and Hecateus: oral historians) Knowledge from his extensive travels Consulted witnesses and examined whenever possible and dreams, oracles and portents His opinion on plausible reports from implausible ones Intention of publishing hence being bias (perspective) Poetry (exaggeration) Impact of the historian on historiography Set a ‘standard’ no matter what (guidelines and rules) Creation of Western historical writing Include everything/ everybody Based on research Establishes historical writing as freely economic, political and diplomatic, social, sexual, religious, military or naval History as a field (social, cultural, gendered, religious, political, military An enquiry Storytelling and discipline Father of history and lies Establishes history as a mode of storytelling Post modernism Vocabulary Commemorative Divine intervention Greek pride Patriotic Remembrance Perspective of elite Greek society Broad Perspective Plethora Case Study- Thucydides The historian 460BC- 400 BC Elite, wealthy, male Early military career was cut short due to plague in Athens One of Athens’ ten generals Failing to save Amphipholis, he spends 20 years in exile. He returned at 404 BC. He has the opportunity to travel to both sides during the Peloponnesian War Age of the sophists- uses debates and rhetoric to argue issues Sceptical and rational Motive and Purpose for Writing â€Å"My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public, but was done to last for ever† â€Å"I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time† Wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians â€Å"that it would be a great war and more worthy of relation than any that had preceded it† Does not glorify war To record Methodology and Technique High value on eyewitness testimonies Episodes of himself taking part Consulted written documents Interviews of participants Does not recognise divine interventions Modern historical objectivity Chronology- summers and winters Debates that he records From memory Sharp analysis of causes and effects Language and Style (words and phrases chosen, speeches, audience) To last through the ages Prose literature Speeches- adds realism Cross-examination Validity of their ideas on logic and rational thinking Debates Morals Type of History Political and military history Detailed writing of military, naval battles, preparation for battles, encouraging speeches by generals, effects and consequences of war Peloponnesians War Events (no arts, literature or society) War of Greeks- disputes, colonies, war, envoys Fast moving, precise, directed, decisive, carefully structured and highly analytic Strict chronological method Monologic Constructed and recorded Sophist’s speeches (used debates and arguments and counter argument, view and counter view, opinion and counter opinion) Objective Book- History of the Peloponnesian War Headlined and narrow events- military and political and diplomatic Impact of the historian on historiography Invention of a chronological way Developed an understanding of human nature explaining behaviours in such crises (plagues, massacres and civil war) instead on divine intervention History is based on logic and rational reasons and thinking Increased of accuracy and reliability of sources Sharp analysis of causes and effect Father of â€Å"scientific history†- strict standard of evidence gathering and analysing of evidence History was to learn from the past therefore making better decisions in the future Didactic- to teach Vocabulary Rhetoric of uncertainty with phrases like Devoted in evoking in detail Focus on a great historical period, a period of war Analytical No criticisms Refers to an interpretation Innovative Critical World history Case Study- Horrible Histories, Teary Deary Aim/ purpose: Entertainment, monetary, children’s interest in history Motive: Make a statement (anti-authority context) as school interest in history is declining Methodology: Consults historians (record, writing, collecting) Have professional actors Scripts (Performance) Series on Television (BBC) Language/ style: Colourful bright colours In a humorous way â€Å"Stories about people, in dramatic situations, with jokes† Gags Imagination Impact: Refocus the presentation of history to young children From being dry and dull to with humour History is now acceptable to be shown on TV for children Information of history has changed dramatically Case Study- Bede

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cummins UK :: Business Management Studies

Cummins UK Cummins’ has many worldwide locations spreading widely into each continent. The European and Central Area Headquarters are located at Iver in Buckinghamshire. The Global Headquarters are located in Columbus in Indiana (USA). A map to show the location of the Cummins plant in Daventry is shown below. The location of the Daventry plant is in a central position in the country and is close to motorways, train-stations, and an International Airport (Birmingham). This makes it ideal for products and materials to be delivered and distributed throughout the country and onto other countries. The majority of Cummins’ employees are from Daventry. The unemployment level is 4.8% nationally, it is significantly lower in the Daventry district. The current unemployment rate in Northamptonshire is 1.7%. Before Cummins decided to set up a plant in Daventry they should have looked at the various aspects: †¢ Does Daventry have the qualified and skilled employees that Cummins need? †¢ Is the wage rate high in the Daventry area? †¢ Do we need to be near our customers? †¢ How much will it cost to set-up and keep running the plant in the Daventry area? Below is a map to show the location of Cummins in Daventry. It shows the surrounding roads which can be important to the location of a premises. Businesses set up in certain areas can gain by receiving grants. The government has sectioned the UK into Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 is the section in most need of grants because of high unemployment, lower earning levels. Tier 2 is the areas are more local areas of the country. Grant eligibility - the main factors There are a number of factors that affect the eligibility for grants. Location of your business Each of the countries of the United Kingdom has its own range of grants available. Some areas get extra grants due to social deprivation or high unemployment. Some grants are given by local authorities to help local businesses. Size of your business You may only be eligible for some grants if your business is a particular size, measured either by turnover or the number of employees. Many grants are limited to small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - roughly one with fewer than 250 employees. Industry sector Grants are commonly targeted at industries that are economically disadvantaged. The government targets grants at industries they want to encourage. Grants rarely target retail businesses. Sales development increasingly attracts government grants, with an emphasis upon assistance to exporters. Grants are frequently targeted at manufacturing, farming and tourism. Businesses specialising in information technology and innovation are eligible for many grants. The purpose of the grant Grants are often awarded for a specific purpose such as purchasing

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bacteria Transformation in Biotechnology

Abstract Some bacteria are able to go through transformation making new combinations of genes. Transformation is a way of gene variability in bacteria. This experiment is based on the transformation mechanism of bacteria and gene regulation. The bacteria used for the experiment was Escherichia coli and the genes introduces for the transformation were: gfp and bla by a pGLOâ„ ¢ plasmid. After the insertion of the target genes and growing the bacteria on specialized LB media, it could be seen that the transformants were positive for the gene expression.The transformed E. coli on the media appeared fluorescent green under UV light. Introduction The bacteria used in this experiment is Escherichia coli which is not naturally competent. E. coli is a gram negative rod shaped bacteria and a facultative anaerobe. This bacteria forms part of the bacterial flora in the human intestine tract. The competence of a bacteria is based on its ability to take up naked DNA from the environment and in corporated on theirs, transformation. Alteration in the permeability of the membranes allows DNA to cross the cell envelope of E. oli. Since the outer membrane of the E. coli is mostly negatively charged and the DNA molecule also has a negative charge, then the addition of CaCl2 will neutralize the interaction so that the naked DNA molecule can enter the cell. (Microbe Library web) Another important factor on the competence of the bacteria is a procedure of alternating temperature between ice bucket and heat shocks. By the combination of this two procedures E. coli becomes competent. This procedure was first reported by Mandel and Higa. Singh 562) Even though it works it is only believed that CaCl2 helps DNA absorption to cell surface and the heat-shock step facilitates penetration of absorbed DNA into cell. (Panja 411) The main purpose of this experiment is to transform the bacteria to make it resistant to the antibiotic ampicillin. A secondary transformation is being made, and is to make the bacteria seem fluoresce green. The reason why the bacteria will fluoresce is because the gfp gene is being inserted under an ara promoter. The gfp gene encodes for the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP).The genes under the ara promoter will be expressed when the bacteria is in presence of the sugar Arabinose. When the transformed E. coli is in presence of Arabinose, the gfp will make the GFP and when the bacteria is placed under UV light it will fluoresce green. The gfp gene was found and extracted from a jellyfish, Aequorea victoria, and is being used as a visible reporter for gene expression. (Garcia-Cayuela 172) To introduce the gfp into the bacterial cell it was needed to be by a plasmid, as well as the gene to make the E. oli resistant to ampicillin, bla gene. The bla gene encodes for the protein beta lactamase which breaks down the ? -lactam ring in the structure of the ampicillin, therefore making it resistant to the antibiotic. Like already said to introduce this tw o genes to the E. coli it must be done through a plasmid. Both genes were introduced by the same one. In this case the one that was used was a pGLOâ„ ¢ plasmid. This is an engineered plasmid used as a vector to create genetically modified bacteria. This plasmid contains three specific genes: bla, gfp and araC.The  ¬araC is a promoter region that regulates the expression of the gfp only under the presence of arabinose sugar. Materials and Methods In this experiment a pGLOâ„ ¢ transformation kit was used. First we needed two eppie tubes, one pGLO positive and the other pGLO negative. This two eppies were then moved to an ice bucket. During, one loopful of the pGLO plasmid was transfer to the pGLO+ tube. The other tube will be the pGLO-, the Escherichia coli without the plasmid. The two tubes were moved into an ice bucket and left there for 10 minutes. Then the tubes were put into a 42?C water bath for 50 seconds and after back to the ice bucket for 2 minutes more. After the tw o minutes had passed, a 300 microliters aliquot of LB broth was added to the two test tubes. By adding the LB broth, the CaCl2 solution was also inserted in the tubes with the E. coli. Right after it the tubes were shook for ten minutes in a 37? C shaker. There were gather 4 petri plates, one with LB media, two with LB amp(ampicillin), and the last one with LB amp ara(arabinose sugar). After the 10 minutes each plate was given an aliquot of 100 microliters with one of the E. coli of the eppie tubes.The LB plate and LB amp had the pGLO- and the other two plates, LB amp ara and LB amp, had the pGLO+. After this step it’s done the plates are prepared to be incubated at 37? C for two days and reveal the results of the induced transformation. LAB 9: TRANSFORMATION PROCEDURE Results The results for this experiment were a bit ambiguous but still recognizable and pretty clear. All of these plates were seen under UV light. In the LB plate pGLO- , after the incubation, there was found a lawn of Escherichia coli colonies that looked green because of the light. The LB amp plate with the pGLO- bacteria, the E. oli did not seem like it grow on it, the media just looked green. A count of 172 colonies that looked green, was found in the LB amp pGLO+ plate, this plate had ampicillin. In the LB ara amp media plate there were found 251 colonies of E. coli. In this plate the colonies looked fluorescent green under the UV light, the only plate. In a scale of growth from larger to smaller, the first in line would be the LB, then LB ara amp, proceeds LB amp (pGLO+), and last one LB amp (pGLO-). Table 1. 1 Results oftransformationof E. coli withpGLO plasmid mediapGLO+pGLO-color(under UV light)growthLB -Yesgreenlawn of colonies LB amp-yesmedia look greenno growth LB ampyes-green172 colonies LB amp arayes-fluorescent green251 colonies -= n/a Discussion The results obtained in this experiment were as expected. The gfp should had been expressed under the presence of arabinose suga r and then under the UV light would fluoresce. The bla gene was expected to be expressed in the presence of ampicillin molecules. The LB pGLO- plate was a control plate meaning that this plate set a reference parameter to compare the results after the transformation. In this plate the growth of the E. oli was in a vast amount since this is a general media target for growth. In the LB amp pGLO- plate, the other control, the E. coli was not transformed with the plasmid, so in presence of the ampicillin the natural behavior of the bacteria is that is susceptible to it. In another hand, the plate of LB amp pGLO+ presented growth meaning that the bacteria took up the plasmid and was able to expressed the genes by an induce transformation. The result being that the transformed E. coli is now resistant to the ampicillin. The last plate, LB amp ara pGLO+, appeared with 251 fluorescent green colonies under the UV light.The reason for it is that the bacteria took up the pGLO plasmid and when the E. coli was in the presence of arabinose and ampicillin, the bacteria could fluoresce green and be resistant to ampicillin which naturally the E. coli does not possess this genes. When this last plate is compared with the control plates it can be confirmed that the procedure done in this experiment was effective as hoped. The arabinose sugar is the intriguer that turns on the genes under the ara promoter. So when the gfp under this promoter turns on, all the other genes under the same promoter will expressed in the cell also.No real noticeable source of error was found during the experiment since the results obtained were completely expected based in the information of the procedure. New studies are being made constantly and this transformation technique is widely used in the field of biotechnology. In the study of Plasmid DNA Transformation in Escherichia Coli: Effect of Heat Shock Temperature, Duration, and Cold Incubation of CaCl2 Treated Cells, the experiment was based on ho w much quantitative is the difference between different variables possible to reach for the best optimum environment to exploit to the maximum the use of this technique.These results suggest that a heat shock pulse of 30 sec at 42 °C followed by a 10 min ice incubation step are ideal parameters to obtain maximum transformation efficiency, also suggest that post heat shock cold incubation step is also an important factor and enhances transformation of E. coli significantly (Singh 561) The relevance of this paper on the experiment performed and discussed previously is big. The results of Singh’s experiment helps our experiment in enhancing the correctness of our results and lowering the possible errors that can surge.Also it can be a great reference of how to determine the optimum conditions of a specific bacteria which would contribute in other research fields. Citations Anh-Hue T. Tu. Transformation of Escherichia coli Made Competent by Calcium Chloride Protocol. Microbe Li brary. American Society of Microbiology. October 25, 2012. Web. November 10, 2012 Garcia-Cayuela, Tomas,. Fluorescent protein vectors for promoter analysis in lactic acid bacteria and Escherichia coli. 172. Applied Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology.Pdf Panja, Subrata,. Aich, Pulakesh,. Jana, Bimal,. Basu, Tarakdas. How does plasmid DNA penetrate cell membranes in arti? cial transformation process of Escherichia coli? 25(5): 411 Molecular Membrane Biology, August 2008. Pdf. Singh, Mahipal,. Yadav, Arpita. Ma, Xiaoling. Amoah, Eugene. Plasmid DNA Transformation in Escherichia Coli: Effect of Heat Shock Temperature, Duration, and Cold Incubation of CaCl2 Treated Cells. Volume 6 Number 4, 2010. 561– 562 International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. Pdf.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Effects of Divorce on Children Essay

Although divorce is now allowed by law in some countries, it is still unhealthy for a family especially in the presence of a child. Due to the fact that they are still young, the children often do not understand why some couples need to separate and they respond in a variety of ways that parents should understand and deal with. When the divorce is settled, the children might wonder why their father or their mother is no longer around and this might be quite hard to explain to a young mind. This produces short and long term effects on the children and even sometimes causes teenagers to rebel against their parents causing more problems than there already is. Another issue regarding children and divorce is who will have custody of the children and alimony. Usually, the mother gets custody over the children while the father still provides financial support. Depending on the situation, the custody is being granted to the father. One problem about divorce is that couples think that the matter is only between them; failing to consider what effects it would have on their children. Little do they know that the changes that will occur once the divorce takes effect will have many negative effects on children. In a case to case basis, children might feel different because of the many changes that will take place once the divorce becomes effective such as changes in schedules and daily routines as well loss of contact with members of extended family (Parker). Children may also develop a fear that losing one parent will eventually lead to the lost of the other. The loss of attachment of a child to a parent may also lead to the loss of other secure relationships such as friends, siblings, neighbors and even pets. Children also, more often than not, are attached to their surroundings and divorce sometimes mean moving out or migrating which could prove unhealthy for the wellbeing of a child. A parent also has a tendency to create a dis-attachment between the child and the other parent which could prove to be a major predicament in the psychological health of the child (Parker). Many children tend to think that they are somehow the reason why their parents want to get divorced. Children often remember rough times that they had with their parents such as arguments, poor grades, getting into trouble, vices, etc. They start to think that the conflict came from them and they start to blame themselves. If this is the case, the parents should make clear that they are not responsible for the conflict and that both of the parents still love them. Explaining custody arrangements would also prove better to prepare the child and for a better understanding (Clandos). In some cases children try to bring their parents back together by either â€Å"acting out† in negative ways or trying â€Å"so good† so that his/her parents would think twice and reconsider about pursuing the divorce (Parker). As a reaction to a divorce, children especially teenagers show aggressive and defiant behavior. A problem here is that parents usually think that this is the normal behavior of the children instead of a reaction to problem. Parents should be keen observers and must be able to identify if the behavior is still normal. In such cases, children also show depression and parents must watch out for this kind of reactions (Parker). In one study, it has been proven that children have adapted to their parents divorce and have emerged as successful individuals. According to Constance Ahrons, the author of We’re Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parents’ Divorce, although they are now adults, children who belonged in families that divorced emerged â€Å"stronger and wiser† having coped with â€Å"difficult times and experienced stressful family changes†. The research indicated that 79 percent feel that their parents decision to have divorce proved to be a good one. On the other hand, according to David Blankenhorn, founder of the Institute for American Values, â€Å"a ‘good divorce’ is not nearly as important as having less divorce. No matter how good your divorce is, it is still a very painful experience for your child† (Peterson). Many children who have grown up may have coped with the effects of divorce but still, a good number of children were affected and were not able to cope with it. It has been proven that children from divorced families are usually victims of abuse and exhibit more health, behavioral and emotional problems compared to children from intact families. Data also indicate that children from divorced families have more likely been associated with drugs, crime and even suicide (Fagan). According to a survey conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, fatherless children show a much greater risk of committing suicide while another study indicated that three out of four teenage suicide cases are from families where a parent is absent. Moreover, another study by Kalter and Rembar indicated from a sample of 144 children and adolescents that 63 percent showed subjective psychological problems such as anxiety, sadness, moodiness, phobias and depression while 56 percent had poor grades. Another 43 percent showed aggressive behavior towards their parents (Fatherless Homes Statistics). Children from divorced couples have been noted to perform poorly in academic subjects such as reading, spelling and math. They have also been identified to have higher drop-out rates and more often repeat a grade. It was also indicated that these children have a less likelihood of graduating from college. It was also noted that families that have gone through a divorce have experienced a 50 percent drop in their income levels resulting in poverty. Divorce also resulted in less religious worship which is associated with many positive outcomes such as better health, longer marriages and improved family life (Fagan). Divorce also affects the sexual behavior of children. Children from divorced families start to accept premarital sex and divorce. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth indicated that â€Å"African–American girls are 42 percent less likely to have sexual intercourse before age 18 if their biological father is present at home. For Hispanic–American girls, the stepfather’s presence increases the likelihood of sexual intercourse before age 18 by 72 percent† (Fagan). Robert Sampson, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, discovered that divorce rate is connected to the robbery rate in 171 cities in the United States that have a population of at least 100,000. Lower rate of divorce meant higher social control which in turn also results in lower crime rate. There is also a close line relating child abuse and crime rates. Higher divorce rates result in higher rates of child abuse but instead of curbing child abuse, remarriage only adds to it. Having a stepfather would most likely increase child abuse and data indicate that serious cases of abuse is much higher for stepchildren compared to children from whole families (Fagan). Likewise, a study by Kalter indicates that teenage and adult females that have been exposed to parental divorce resulted in lower self-esteem, heightened sexual activity, delinquent behavior and are unable to maintain a lasting heterosexual relationship. It was also stated that girls who grew without interaction from a father missed out on a key element. â€Å"The continuous sense of being valued and loved as a female seems an especially key element in the development of the conviction that one is indeed femininely lovable. Without this regular source of nourishment, a girl’s sense of being valued as a female does not seem to thrive† (Fatherless Homes Statistics). Children may suffer traumatic experiences in cases of divorce but steps can be taken to reduce these kinds of effects that divorce has on children. These steps are the following: â€Å"(1) be honest for the potential of emotional trauma on each of your kids; (2) allow your children to communicate openly; (3) offer your children choices, whenever possible, to increase their sense of power over their lives; (4) find support for yourself and your children; and (5) provide continuity† (Clandos). It is, likewise advised not to expose the children to any marital conflict. Talking about the spouse’s negative behavior should also be avoided while developing amicable relationship with the spouse is advisable for the sake of the children. Taking care of one’s self will also help children adjust to the changes caused by the divorce. Moreover, discussing the separation with the children would also be helpful but one must always be mindful because what one says might affect the outlook of the child in a negative way (Clandos). Some changes in behavior may be observed from children that have been affected by the separation. Some children who are most of the time jolly and playful may become moody and may lose self-esteem. Sadness and moodiness may become excessive at times. Children also sometimes develop a fear of â€Å"clinginess† and may show anger outbursts (Clandos). Teen marriage account for a good percentage of divorce cases. Early marriages have been considered more unstable because of different factors such as the inability to support a family because of the absence of a good paying job having not finished college. It is estimated that one half of teen marriages with women ranging from 18 to 19 years of age result in divorce within 15 years time although the rate of divorce for women over 20 is also particularly high at around 33 percent. In cases of out-of -wedlock pregnancies, marrying before giving birth will increase paternal support because the male partner would have better access to the child and may provide better financial support even if there is a high risk that the marriage will result in an divorce (Seiler, 7). According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, over time, the rate of divorce per 100 marriages have increased from three in 1870 to 30 in 1945 and 51 in 1998 (Fagan). Half of the marriages in the US end in divorce and from this data, one may state that people now no longer consider marriage as a strong binding force for a couple. Marriage now no longer provides a perception that it is permanent. Marriage is also no longer considered as a life-changing decision because of the availability of divorce. Dating games such as ‘The Bachelor’ which sometimes end in marriage is proof enough that people no longer take marriage seriously. A divorce is caused by many factors such as common misunderstandings, financial difficulties, adultery, vices, and other irreconcilable differences. Many couples experience financial difficulties and this is one cause of divorce but prior to what most believe, financial problems are not the top cause of divorce. It only ranks fourth or fifth next to other factors that produce higher divorce rates, namely, â€Å"incompatibility, lack of emotional support, abuse and sexual problems†. According to Jan Andersen, associate professor at California State University in Sacramento, only 5 percent of divorce cases are caused by a couple’s financial difficulties (Weston). Other usual causes of divorce aside from financial problems are â€Å"lack of commitment to the marriage, lack of communication between spouses, infidelity, abandonment, alcohol addiction, substance abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, inability to manage or resolve conflict, personality differences or ‘irreconcilable differences’,differences in personal and career goals, different expectations about household tasks,different expectations about having or rearing children, interference from parents or in-laws, lack of maturity, intellectual incompatibility, sexual incompatibility, insistence of sticking to traditional roles and not allowing room for personal growth, falling out of love, religious conversion or religious beliefs, cultural and lifestyle differences, inability to deal with each other’s petty idiosyncrasies, mental instability or mental illness, criminal behavior and incarceration for crime† (Panse). Even if many countries legal ly accept divorce, there are still some countries that do not approve of divorce and most of these countries are against divorce because of religious beliefs. In biblical texts, adultery is often mentioned but nothing is clearly mentioned about divorce. Even theology scholars and pastors do not share the same views regarding biblical teachings about divorce. Christian scholars have different positions regarding the controversial issue. They argue that â€Å"(1) divorce is never permitted under any circumstances; (2) divorce is permissible under certain, specified circumstances; and (3) divorce is permissible under many circumstances† (House). The first argument supports that â€Å"marriage is lifelong and permanent† and divorce is against God’s standards and Christians are strictly prohibited from having divorce. Those who support the second argument that divorce is permissible under specific circumstances believe that divorce is not prohibited by biblical texts. They believe that one spouse commiting adultery means that a divorce can be allowed. Desertion is also being considered as a valid reason for divorce in this argument. On the other hand, the third view argues that divorce is allowed not just for conditions of adultery and desertion but for many other conditions as well (House). Generally speaking, divorce has many adverse effects on children. It affects their behavior, emotional and psychological health. Although some research studies indicate that children have been able to overcome the behavioral, emotional and psychological effects caused by divorce and were able to break out as successful individuals, many children still suffer from the harmful effects of divorce. As discussed, children from divorced families have a higher tendency to commit suicide, are more likely to commit crime and premarital sex as well as having poorer performance in academics. To sum it up, divorce does not provide any good effects on children and because of the many negative effects, it would be better if couples do not resort to divorce so as not to disregard the well-being of their children. It would be better off if couples just settle their differences for the sake of the children. It is also recommended that the government take steps to at least be able to lessen the cases of divorce if not eliminate it. On the other hand, the church should re-orient people the importance of marriage and deciding who to marry as simple as it has become today. The Church must make the people know that marriage is a life-changing decision. The status of marriage, particularly in the United States which is one of the countries with the highest divorce rates, is not strong. Works Cited Parker, Wayne. The Effects of Divorce on Children and How to Cope. accessed April 2, 2008 from, Clandos, Rosemary, Kemp, Gina M. A. , Jaffe, Jaelline Ph. D. , & Segal, Jeanne Ph. D. 28 September 2007. Coping with Divorce: Helping Your Child Cope with Separation or Divorce. accessed April 2, 2008 from, Peterson, Karen. Is Divorce a Bad Thing? Does it often leave broken children in its wake? Apparently not. 2004 June. accessed April 2, 2008 from,

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Studying Math Successfully with Note Cards Essays - Free Essays

Studying Math Successfully with Note Cards Essays - Free Essays Studying Math Successfully with Note Cards Keeping note cards is a proven method to study math successfully. As an incentive, I will offer up to 3 bonus points per exam for your set of note cards. Points will only be awarded the day of the exam. Please place a card on top with your full name, rubber-band them together, and place on the front table the day of the exam. Make sure you take these with you when youre done. Please follow these guidelines: 1.Create a set of cards that you can refer back to for each exam and at the end of the semester to study for a comprehensive final. 2.Keep them simple, concise, and to-the-point. 3.Each card should only have one piece of information. 4.Work on these daily. Doing homework problems alone is not enough to study math. 5.QUIZ YOURSELF REGULARLY. 6.Use them as a warm-up before class. 7.Make sure your note cards are all-inclusive: formulas, definitions, concepts, procedures, tasks, and examples. 8.Write tasks and procedures IN WORDS so you get used to the instructions verbiage. Examples: What is the Point-Slope Form of the Equation of a Line? Front Write the formula on back (Continues on back) Know how to: Evaluate functions f(x) = Find f( -3 ) Find f( -2x) Find f (x-2) Front Work out problem on back of card How do you find a difference quotient? Front Write out the step-by-step procedure on back Know how to: Analyze graphs From a labeled graph: >>> draw a graph on the card Find domain Range Intercepts Minimums Maximums Intervals of x where the graph is increasing, decreasing, constant Values of x where f(x) = -4 Find f(2) Determine even/odd Front Work out problem on back of card Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Easy Emerald Geode Crystal Project

Easy Emerald Geode Crystal Project Grow this crystal geode overnight using plaster for the geode and a non-toxic chemical to make simulated emerald crystals. Emerald Crystal Geode Materials A geode is a hollow rock that is filled with small crystals. This homemade geode is much like a natural one, except these crystals take hours to form rather than millions of years. monoammonium phosphate (also called ammonium phosphate, sold as a plant fertilizer or for use in dry fire extinguishers)  hot waterfood coloringplaster of Paris   Prepare the Geode Prepare a hollow plaster of Paris rock: First you need a rounded shape in which you can mold your hollow rock. The bottom of one of the depressions in a foam egg carton works great. Another option is to set a piece of plastic wrap inside of a coffee cup or paper cup.Mix a small amount of water in with some plaster of Paris to make a thick paste. If you happen to have a couple of  seed crystals  of ammonium phosphate, you can stir them into the plaster mixture. Seed crystals can be used to provide nucleation sites for the crystals, which can produce a more natural-looking geode.Press the plaster of Paris against the sides and bottom of the depression to make a bowl shape. Use plastic wrap if the container is rigid, so that its easier to remove the plaster.Allow about 30 minutes for the plaster to set up, then remove it from the mold and set it aside to finish drying. If you used plastic wrap, peel it off after you pull the plaster geode out of the container. Grow the Crystals Pour about a half cup of very hot tap water into a cup.Stir in ammonium phosphate until it stops dissolving. This occurs when a few crystals start to accumulate at the bottom of the cup.Add food coloring to color your crystals.Set your plaster geode inside a cup or bowl. You are aiming for a container that is a size such that the crystal solution will just cover the top of the geode.Pour the crystal solution into the geode, allowing it to overflow into the surrounding container and eventually cover the geode. Avoid pouring in any undissolved material.Set the geode in a location where it wont be disturbed. You should see crystal growth overnight.When you are pleased with the appearance of your geode (overnight up to a few days), remove it from the solution and allow it to dry. You can pour the solution down the drain.Keep your geode beautiful by protecting it from high humidity and dust. You can store it wrapped in a paper towel or tissue paper or inside of a display case. Tips and Tricks If green isnt your color, you can use any color of food color you like.You can grow geodes using other chemicals, like salt, sugar, or Epsom salts.If you dont have Plaster of Paris or simply dont want to mess with it, you can grow the geode inside a clean egg shell. The egg shell is calcium carbonate, so this geode is much like a natural mineral. If you pour the crystal solution over the egg shell, youll get crystals both outside and inside the shell. To get crystals only on the inside, fill the shell with the solution.An advanced form of this project is to grow crystals inside a rock that you can crack open to see the crystals. This takes a bit more work, but produces a cool effect.You can hollow an egg shell by making a small hole in one end of the shell and using a needle to stir up the egg. Shake out the egg and allow the shell to dry before filling the hole with the crystal solution. You may need to use a needle for this. After filling the egg, make sure the hole is at the top, so it wont get plugged with crystals. Allow a day for the geode to fill. Drain off the solution and youre done! You might wish to allow several days before opening this geode, to make certain the inside is completely dry.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Communicating across genders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communicating across genders - Essay Example However, I feel that even this is unnecessarily divisive. In my experience, Adler's findings that gender difference amounts to just 1% of the variance of speech (186) between any two people is more important. This paper will look at three conversations within and between two groups of people to show that shared experience and goals facilitate communication better than shared gender. It is necessarily difficult to give concrete examples of gender communication being more similar than different, because it is generally easier to disprove than prove something, but two personal conversations in which I took part are good examples of how shared experience facilitates communication better than shared gender – and that, equally, different experiences hinder communication. These two conversations involved separate groups of people, both composed of mixed genders but similar politics and ideology. Both conversations discussed the case of Representative Anthony Weiner, who recently resi gned after revelations that he had been attempting to engage numerous female political admirers in (usually unwanted) sexual conversation. In the first conversation, both men and women condemned Weiner unanimously for the sexual harassment of sending explicit photographs of his anatomy to non-consenting women who had merely expressed their support of his policies. Men and women used the same sentence structures and argumentative styles, appealing to reason and emotion equally: most sentences used personal pronouns (I, you, he), for example. One interjection in the conversation was taken badly by the other members, as it was a joke that was highly inappropriate, which had been made by a woman – not something that Adler would expect (184). In fact, this conversation happened online with most people using gender-neutral pseudonyms, and the only way I could figure out who was of which gender was by specifically asking them. The second conversation happened after someone made the assertion that Weiner was simply guilty of sexual harassment, and his resignation neither inappropriate nor adequate punishment for his crime. The communication style was similar to the previous group's in that most people used 'I' statements and littered their messages with pronouns; however, in this group most people were more skeptical of the idea that Weiner's behaviour was criminal. In one unusual exchange, a woman made the statement that â€Å"Flashing someone virtually is the same as flashing someone in person†, and a man responded â€Å"I think you meant to say that you 'think/feel' they are the same.† In this example, a woman used concrete language (or rather, a male conversational style [185]) to express an opinion and was told by a man that she should revert to female conversational style. The same man then said â€Å"the decisions we make in our lives brand us†, arguing that when considering Weiner's sexual harassment of Ms Ginger Lee, one should bea r her career choice (she is a former porn star) in mind. Clearly his usage of a male conversational style was acceptable. A different woman dismissed Lee's claims by saying â€Å"You know as well as I do that women are just as bad as men, when it comes to manipulation.† Her appeal to an emotional relationship is, Adler argues, typically feminine. It may be interesting to note that the first group do not believe that there is any material difference